Hello and welcome back to this tutorial series. Today we shall review many of the concepts we have learned so far (class 101 through class 109) and introduce a few others. Being programmers, we are going to do this by coding a simple web page. Your task is to see if you understand all that is happening , if not, then be sure to revisit a previous tutorial on the subject and re-read it. Along the way, I will be recommending common practices for organizing & writing your code. Let's get started. I recommend storing your web-project files as follows; Create a new folder (for a new web project). Inside it, create 2 folders, one for html files and one for css files. For this work, create a new folder and name it review . Inside it create two folders , name one styles and the other html . Open Sublime Text or whichever text editor you prefer, drag and drop the review folder onto the Sublime Text's window. You should see the folder on the left-side (left-panel) ...