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Hello and welcome back to this tutorial series for beginners in web development.
This class introduces the html 'div' tag and form elements.

Let's begin by learning about the html 'div' tag.
"div" stands for division.
It allows you to group and separate content into different sections.
Consider the image below.

The image above shows a common layout (way of arranging elements)  for many web pages.
It consists of;
  1.  a top area called the header, where most sites place a logo and site name as well as navigation links (links to other parts of the website) 
  2. a bottom area called the footer, where most sites place contact information and social media links.
  3. a side bar, which can be on the right side or left side. Some sites have two side bars, one on each side.
  4. and a main content area, where the main content of the page is displayed.
For example.
This blog site has a header at the top. It contains the name of the site 'In Relatable Terms' and a 'SEARCH' option.
It has a single side bar, on the right side (scroll to the top of site to see it). It consists of a SHARE link (which you are encouraged to use) and some labels below it.
The main section consists of the main blog content i.e. this particular text you are reading  , a comment section and a few popular posts on this blog (scroll down to see).
The footer area has the 'Powered by Blogger' link.

The html 'div' tag is used to divide webpage content into sections like these.
It has an opening <div> and a closing tag </div>.

Now, let's learn a bit about forms.
Forms allow website users/visitors to provide some kind of information, such as username and password in order to sign in, comments, words to search in the website e.t.c.

A form is made up of several elements, each of which is used to obtain specific kind of information.
A form has an opening tag <form> and a closing tag </form>
Inside the tags, the form elements are specified.
We shall learn three common form elements, for now;
  1. Input element. This is used to obtain small text input from a user, such as name, password, telephone number, email etc.
  2. Textarea element. This allows users to provide a lot more text compared to the input element above. It is commonly used to create a comment section, such as the one below.
  3. Button. This is a clickable form element that is used to trigger (cause) a certain action to occur. For example, a sign in button is clicked when a user is done filling in the login form in order to sign/log the user in.

In the next part, we shall practically see how the above elements function.


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