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HTML & CSS BASICS : Comments & Review

Hello and welcome back to this tutorial series. Today we shall review many of the concepts we have learned so far (class 101 through class 109) and introduce a few others. Being programmers, we are going to do this by coding a simple web page. Your task is to see if you understand all that is happening , if not, then be sure to revisit a previous tutorial on the subject and re-read it. Along the way, I will be recommending common practices for organizing & writing your code. Let's get started. I recommend storing your web-project files as follows; Create a new folder (for a new web project). Inside it, create 2 folders, one for html files and one for css files.  For this work, create a new folder and name it review .  Inside it create two folders , name one styles and the other html . Open Sublime Text or whichever text editor you prefer, drag and drop the review folder onto the Sublime Text's window. You should see the folder on the left-side (left-panel) ...
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Hi there, welcome back. This is the final part of class 109. In the previous tutorial we discussed the display property of html elements. In this tutorial we shall discuss the float property. Float is used to place an element on the left or right side of its container, allowing text and inline elements to wrap around it. ( referenced from 1 ) To understand this better, lets write some code. Create a new html file using your text editor and name it 'floating.html'. Write the following code in it, then save and view it in a browser. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head>     <title></title>     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="floating.css"> </head> <body>     <h1>this is a heading</h1>     <p id="p1">this is paragraph 1</p>     <p id="p2">this is another paragraph, called paragraph 2</p>     </body>...


Hello and welcome back to this tutorial series  for beginners in web development with HTML & CSS. We have been discussing form and div elements in the previous sections of this class (see class 109 part I and II ). You should have 2 files, one sections.html file and another sections.css file linked to it. Next, we will discuss the css code we used in the sections.css, particularly 2 new attributes ' display ' and ' float ' .  This is the CSS code that we used to style our sections.html page. #header{     background-color: grey;     padding-top: 5px;     padding-bottom: 5px;     padding-left: 15px; } h2{     margin: 0px;     color: white; } #content{     padding-left: 15px; } p{     display: inline-block;     float: left;     margin-right: 50px; } form{     display: inline-block;     border...


Hello and welcome back. In part I , we learned the theory behind the html div ta g and the form elements . We have quiet some coding to do in this part, so let's get to it. Create a new html file and name it sections.html . Open the file in your text editor (e.g. Sublime Text), type in the following code and save it. You can go ahead and view it on your browser afterwards, though it won't look quiet good just yet. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head>     <title></title>     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="sections.css"> </head> <body>     <div id="header">         <h2>My Site</h2>     </div>     <div id="content">         <div id="main">             <p>Welcome to my website.<br>Please give me your feed...


Hello and welcome back to this tutorial series for beginners in web development. This class introduces the html 'div' tag and form elements. Let's begin by learning about the html 'div' tag. " div " stands for division . It allows you to group and separate content into different sections . Consider the image below. The image above shows a common layout (way of arranging elements)  for many web pages. It consists of;  a top area called the header, where most sites place a logo and site name as well as navigation links (links to other parts of the website)  a bottom area called the footer, where most sites place contact information and social media links. a side bar, which can be on the right side or left side. Some sites have two side bars, one on each side. and a main content area, where the main content of the page is displayed. For example. This blog site has a header at the top. It contains the name of the site 'In Relatable Te...


Hello and welcome. In the previous post, we did a simple test. The correct HTML code for that is shown below; <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head>     <title></title>     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="my_site.css">    </head> <body>     <h2 class="reds">NASA | JPL</h2>     <h1 class="blues">ON A MISSION</h1>     <h4 class="reds">PODCAST</h4>     <p id="underlined">A new podcast from NASA</p>     <ul>         <li>Arrival</li>         <li>We Are the World</li>         <li>Worlds of Wonder</li>     </ul>      <ol id="roman">         <li...


Hello there. Welcome back to this web development tutorial series. We have learned a few concepts so far and before we continue, let's review them by doing a quick test. At this point, you should have a html file, named my_site.html with the following code in it; <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head>     <title></title>     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="my_site.css">     </head> <body>     <h2>NASA | JPL</h2>     <h1>ON A MISSION</h1>     <h4>PODCAST</h4>     <p>A new podcast from NASA</p>     <ul>         <li>Arrival</li>         <li>We Are the World</li>         <li>Worlds of Wonder</li>     </ul...


Hello and welcome back to this series of tutorials for beginners in web development. So far we have a simple html page and a css file linked to it. We begin this tutorial by creating new html and css files, in the same folder as where my_site.html is located. We shall call them index.html and index.css respectively. Done? Great! Link the two files together , by opening up index.html in your text editor (e.g. Sublime Text) and typing the following code below the closing title tag  </title>  and before the closing head tag </head> :               <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="index.css"> Inside the body of your html (i.e after <body> and before </body>),  type the following html code :              <p> This is a paragraph </p>          ...


Hello and welcome back to this tutorial series for beginners in web development. This tutorial assumes you grasped all concepts discussed in the previous 5 html classes. You can test yourself using the exercise given here . At this point, your my_site.html file should have the following code in it.  <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head>     <title></title> </head> <body>     <h2>NASA | JPL</h2>     <h1>ON A MISSION</h1>     <h4>PODCAST</h4>     <p>A new podcast from NASA</p>     <ul>         <li>Arrival</li>         <li>We Are the World</li>         <li>Worlds of Wonder</li>     </ul>      <ol>  ...


Hello and welcome back. Test your knowledge of the concepts we have learnt so far, by creating a website that looks as seen in images the below, before continuing with the next part.   Click on each image to zoom in (or better yet, save them in your pc). You can get the image used by clicking here . As always, if you have any questions / comments, leave them in the comment section below.